Atomic Habits
An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones website
Why did I read this book?
I wanted to read this book from the many recommendations from people I admire. Also felt like a good way to continue learning about habits after I read the book The power oh Habit (which is mentioned in this book).
Why should you read this book?
If you want to understand why you do what you do and
What did I get out of it
not finished yet.
Changes that seems small today, will compound into remarkable results in the future. With the same habits you get the same results, but with better habits, you can accomplish anything.
The results you get have little to do with the goals you set, but everything to do with the systems you follow.
"The porpouse of setting goals is to win the game, the porpouse of building systems is to continue playing the game"
habits are the atoms of your life, each one of them contributes to the remarkable results you will get in life. They are the compound interest of self-improvement. Getting 1% better everyday, counts for a lot on the long run.
Habits are a double-edge sword: they can work for you or against you, that's why you need to be careful and understand the details.
big changes come often after a series of little changes, you need to be patience because they are delayed.
If you want better results, forget about setting goals, focus on your system. "You do not rise by the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems"
Changing our habits is challenging got two reasons: We try to change the wrong thing, and we try to change it in the wrong way.
The best way to create and keep a habit, is to make it part of your identity
Progress requires un-learning. Becoming the best version of yourself requires you to continuosly edit your believes and upgrade and expand your identity.
Your habits are how you embody your identity. when you write each day, you EMBODY the identity of a writer.
New identities requires two steps: Decide who you want to be and prove it to yourself with small wins
The four laws of behaviour change:
- Make it obvious (Cue)
- make it attractive (Craving)
- make it easy (Response)
- make it sattisfying (Reward)
ther inversion of those laws helps to break bad habits
- Make it invisible (Cue)
- make it un-attractive (Craving)
- make it difficult (Response)
- make it un-sattisfying (Reward)
To help you follow these four laws, ask yourself:
HOW I can make it obvious?
HOW I can make it attractive?
HOW I can make it easy?
HOW I can make it sattisfying?
The process of behaviour change, starts with awareness. Habits usually are automatic, so the way to start changing them, is to bring them to a more concious space in our brains. Verbalizing them is a good way to do it.
Avoid mixing context with more than one action: don't work on the couch or kitchen, find a special place to work. Each room/space, one use.
The way to improve perseverence, willpower and grit, you need to create a more discipline environment.
Self control is a short-term strategy, not a long-term one. Find a way to eliminate the cues to your bad habits, to make them invisible.
Temptation bundleling: pair and action you want to do, with an action you need to do.
Culture play a big role on your habits. We tend to fit in rather than do the right thing or the best for us. Try to find a group that embodies the culture you want to have.
Focus on taking action, not being in motion. The amount of time you take on performing a habit, is not as important as how much times you do it. You will gain a new habit easily by repetition, not by perfecting it.
Create an environment where doing the right thing is as easy as possible. Remove the friction as much as possible to make good habits easy.