How to cure writer's block
- three strategies
- gather supplies
- Talk it out
- Start with abundance
Gather supplies
- instead of writing essays, write phrases
- Writing more about your experiences, thoughts and ideas can have long-term benefits
- The mind works by association, "the mind looks for trails of thought, and once they find one, good ideas create more good ideas."
- "If I save three ideas per day, I’ll have 1,000 by the end of the year."
Talk it out
- "Speaking with smart people is a guaranteed way to unlock creative inspiration, and when the conversation is over, I write new ideas down."
- best ideas grow in conversation, not in isolation
- find the perfect balance for you between spending time away from the keyboard and writing.
Start with abundance
- start writing when it's impossible not to write, don't start with a blank page
- write with your notes visible and available, that way whenever you feel blank, you can get inspiration and ideas from your notes
- Sebastian Junger once wrote: "If you have writer’s block, you don’t have enough ammunition."
- "Instead of creating new information, you organize the information you already have"
- Don't try to be creative at your computer
- use your environment, experiences and conversations into a pile of notes/phrases/thoughts
- Start writing when you have plenty of information in your notes
- And you just make writer's block a thing of the past